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Parkinson's Warrior


Senior art director

Social media strategy

Video director

Video editor


Northwestern Medicine

If you ask Jimmy Choi what time it is, he always says, "Two seconds till." Before you can ask "two seconds till what?" you'll already be in a plank position.

Patient stories are our bread and butter when it comes to content at NM, and Jimmy's is unique. He not only receives his medical care at NM, he also collaborates with a research scientist at Feinberg to develop workouts that are slowing the progression of his disease. When I learned about Jimmy's story, I said, "we should make video about him!"

I suggested telling Jimmy's story using strategic content storytelling in a funnel-optimized way -- a short form video for TikTok and IG Reels as a discoverability tool, a targeted Facebook campaign and email featuring a documentary-style patient story video, and a long-form written article on We also covered Jimmy's story organically in coordinated UGC image and video posts across all platforms, driving traffic back to NM's Parkinson's landing page.

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